Streams of Unconsciousness

This website aims to be a medium to share fragments of my thoughts. It will be unstructured and disorganized similar to the train wreck of a mind I got.

Luck. Is success luck or hard work? We are usually quick assigning our failures to luck and we are oblivious to the role that luck plays in our success. Most of us made it thanks to being born in a supporting system, in a non torn by a war country and yet we attribute a 100% of our achievements to our efforts. There are elements that defines our core identity that are completely random, for instance nationality, ethnicity, biological sex and these elements have a tremendous impact on our lives yet we take them for granted. I am not saying that everything is pure luck but luck has a non neglieable role in both success and failure.

Minimalism. Between late 2016 and mid 2019, I didn't spend more than 7 months in the same housing. I got stuff that moved with me across continent, I only noticed their existence while moving. Clutter will tire you out mentally and physically. Check The Minimalist guys and their podcasts. Minimalism doesn't mean get rid of everything but it means only keep what adds value to your life. Gift experiences, your time, money to your beloved folks. Side note, I got this template from Matthew James Taylor website and it is very similar to The Minimalist website, I guess I learned something from them.

Time. Time is our most important resources, it is non renewable resource, once you lost an hour of your time, it is gone forever. I am blessed enough to have a supportive, enjoyable working environment/team. Yet everyday it depresses me that I need to basically rent 1/3 of my day just to be able to exist.

Ciel Noir

                Un jour, il ne restera plus rien de ces bouches qui maudissent
                Rien de ces horizons flous qui jaunissent
                Plus rien de nos mères, de nos fils, de mon disque
                Il ne restera rien d'ces volcans qui vomissent
                Et puis plus un seul écho de l'orage qui tonne
                Plus un brin de pollen et plus un gramme de sel
                Et plus rien de ces copeaux de nuages qui tombent
                Quand des golems de béton armé grattent le ciel
                Il ne restera rien des étoiles vacillantes
                Qui s'avancent vers le centre de ces galaxies évanescentes
                Ni temps, ni dimension, ni sens
                L'Univers deviendra comme avant sa naissance
                Ciel noir

Consumerism. Our Consumer Society. Except maybe for parks or libraries we exist solely to spend money. When was the last time that one wanderded through the streets of their city and noticed somewhere where they are welcome without any expected monetary transaction?